Huwebes, Disyembre 31, 2015

Drawing No.6: The Cask of Amontillado(in cartoon!)

6:26 P.M

Weeks ago before our Christmas break, the Arts Club in our school announced the winners in an art contest. Remember I told you that I joined a month ago? Well, I turned in my painting with the tree to the contest and I won second place. Pretty cool, huh? The prize they gave me is an Art Attack sketchpad. I was a bit confused because the president actually promised the winners that the club would give them certificates. But they didn't. Well, I didn't care. A sketchpad is fine with me.

Anyway, the drawing shown above is my first drawing on my sketchpad. Ya know why I drew that? Well, we have this role play to do in our English class and the story must be all about The Cask of Edgar Allan Poe. I am one of the two scriptwriters of the play, but I did all the work anyway. By the way, I was having trouble that time making the script because when I read the book, I was completely confused.

I read the book over and over again, but my mind was still messed up. Especially with the characters' descriptions and the plot. So, I read slowly.Then, an idea popped into my head that I should sketch how the main characters look like. Well, I did. I'm not sure with you but my drawing turned out GREAT.

My interpretation was proven correct when I searched in the internet. I finished the script and after our role play, I ended up being the best scriptwriter with our group having the best role play.

So, I think a lot of you knows this story. I admit, even though the story is confusing, it's really intense and interesting. oh, and also thrilling. And God Bless Montressor and Fortunato. Ha-ha-ha. If you don't know the whole story, how about you try reading it? But I recommend you to read the story over and over again.

What do you think of my own interpretation of the characters of the story The Cask of Amontillado? Just comment below. I would love to hear your opinion! <3


Martes, Disyembre 29, 2015

Drawing No.5: Ibong Adarna

11:02 A.M

Two weeks ago, we had a project in Filipino...but we have to do it by pair. I got paired up with my boy classmate named Ivan Daniel. Our teacher instructed us to differentiate the story of Ibong Adarna from the book and the movie. We also need to put their similarities and some moral lessons.

I didn't actually watch the movie because I wasn't allowed by my grandparents and it's for the sake of my safety. So, I only the story in the book. 

Anyway, I sketched this bird for our design in our project. I admit, I searched an example in the internet and tried to copy it. But yeah of course, I added up some details. After sketching this, it was cool to look at. I mean for me he-he-he. 

So, let me give you facts about this bird. This kind of bird don't actually exist. It is just fictional. In the story Ibong Adarna, it's all about a young man who ventured out into the forest to find the magical bird to sing for his sick father. Kind of an interesting story, eh? So, if you want to know the whole story, then try reading it. I tell you, you'll learn many moral lessons in that story.

What do you think of my drawing? Just comment below :)))


Martes, Disyembre 22, 2015

Drawing No.4: Luce Price of Fallen

9:52 P.M
Have you read the fantasy romance novel entitled "Fallen"? If you were to ask me, well, I didn't. Okay. I did. But only the first ten pages because I was not into Gothic romance. 

Anyway, this is my sketch of Lucinda "Luce" Price, the main character in the book. It was not that bad for I feel great. I sketched this like last May. I didn't post this earlier because we had a problem with our laptop.

The book is nice, by the way...even though I only read the first ten pages. And I hope you guys like this sketch of mine. I worked hard to do it. Ha-ha-ha. :)

If you have some feedback about this drawing, just comment below. I would love to hear your opinion. Tenchu <3


Martes, Nobyembre 10, 2015

Painting No.1: A tree in my dreams

9:19 P.M

VOILA! My first and well-improved oil pastel painting. Now, you might be thinking I going to enter this to the art competition? 

My answer: NO. HA-HA-HA

Yes. Of course. It looks pretty horrible to look but I am still proud of myself because I was improving. That was also the same thing most people told me.

This painting is based on my dream last, last time. I don't when but nah, never mind. Anyway, I almost injured my finger because of doing this last week. Who cares? Ha-ha-ha XD

Now, I want to hear your opinion about this painting. Just write your opinion in the comment box below my blog. Tenchu XD


Drawing No.3: A Princess

6:10 P.M

This drawing is actually requested by my cousin last May. You know, I was running out of ideas that time, until she unexpectedly helped me. What a kind person! <3

This is also one of my favorite drawings I ever made, behind my January Agustin drawing. I really like looking at this that I almost thought to color this. But I changed my mind. In my opinion, this looked better without colors. 

Comment if you like this :) Ha-ha-ha, corny neto XD


Lunes, Nobyembre 9, 2015

Drawing No.2: A character from my own novel

10:20 P.M

This is one of my favorite drawings so far. I made this last May 5, 2015 (see the date on the drawing?). This is January Agustin and she is actually a character from my own novel in Wattpad (how about try checking out my story in that website. Just type Atta Atlantika from imsoswaggy XD). I was so bored that time that I decided to make my own interpretation of what January would look like in a piece of paper or in animation. 

After finishing the drawing, I was so proud of myself. I looked at it many times. I totally rock, you know. Ha-ha-ha XD 

Although the drawing's not perfect in anybody's eyes, well, it's okay. Anyway, this was just practice. A preparation to let myself improve so I can be a better artist later on. :)


Drawing No.1: Flying Hair

9:50 P.M

I made this two days ago, in preparation for my entry for our Art Competition. I was so desperate to win. So, I decided to sketch this first. I admit, I searched for ideas in the Internet and I found lots of inspirations. But I don't wanna caught because of plagiarism so...I decided to make some new changes and I decided to follow my own perspective to this drawing. 

After finishing this sketch, I was planning to make it alive by coloring it. But I had second thoughts because I was not contented and I wasn't even sure if this would even win in the competition. So, I planned to make another sketch for my entry, but I kept this sketch. 

I kept this because I knew my drawing skills had improved. So, I had to keep this as a reminder of improvement. I totally rock!!! \m/
